Episode 1 – Making Fishwork Visible

Welcome to the first ever episode of Fishy Work, my name is Ian. Join me this season as we cast off into a sea of trash fish, worker precarity, racism, and labour campaigns to name but a few of the topics we'll find stranded and floating, calling out to have a podcast made about them.

In this episode we’re talking with Melissa Marschke and Peter Vandergeest about what structures working conditions at sea, why it can be so bad, yet why fishing is still meaningful for many fisher folk, how researchers go about researching labour at sea, and what organisations, campaigners and unions are doing to help improve working conditions.

Cite this episode: Cook, I. M, & Kadfak, A. (Hosts). (2024, June, 17). Making Fishwork Visible with Peter Vandergeest and Melissa Marschke (No.1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Fishy Work. https://www.justseafood.org/podcast-episode-1

[Transcript of Episode 1 available here]