

  • Kadfak, A., Hanh, T. T. H., & Widengård, M. 2024. The impact of state-led traceability on fisheries sustainability. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-13.

  • Kadfak, A. 2024. The Labor Governance Frontier in Fisheries: A Critical Review and Future Outlook. Society & Natural Resources. Open Access

  • Kadfak, A. 2024. Labour in Fisheries Through Migration Studies: Burmese Fish Worker Regularisation and Agency in the Thai Fishing Industry. Geopolitics. Open Access.


  • Marschke, M. & Vandergeest, P. 2023. Migrant fishers in Irish fisheries: exploring the contradictions through the lens of racial capitalism. Global Social Challenges Journal, DOI: 10.1332/27523349Y2023D000000003 

  • Wilhelm, M., Bhakoo, V., Soundararajan, V., Crane, A., & Kadfak, A. 2023. Beyond compliance-based governance: The role of social intermediaries in mitigating forced labor in global supply chains. Production and Operations Management.

  • Kadfak, A., Barclay, K., & Song, A. M. 2023. EU Trade-Related Measures against Illegal Fishing Policy Diffusion and Effectiveness in Thailand and Australia. Book series: Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability. Open Access.

  • Kadfak, A., Wilhelm, M., & Oskarsson, P. 2023. Thai Labour NGOs during the ‘Modern Slavery’Reforms: NGO Transitions in a Post‐aid World. Development and Change

  • Alonso, G., Marschke, M. 2023. Blue boats in deep waters. How aspects of IUU policy impact Vietnamese fish workers. Maritime Studies, 22:14. DOI: 10.1007/s40152-023-00303-7