Episode 3 – Being Migrants in Fishing Industry

Welcome to the third episode of Fishy Work. This episode we are talking about What happens when people move and refuse? In Fishy Work thus far we've spoken more broadly about why conditions at sea can be so bad, including organized attempts to improve the working lives of fish workers. And we've also spoken about the management of the fish supply chain, including how NGOs have worked with companies, especially with the aim of removing forced labour from their business networks. But in this episode, we want to centre on the fish workers, especially migrant workers, including looking into how they migrate and, crucially, what their migration means in social, political, and economic terms.

We are welcoming two amazing researchers to help us understand how migrant fishworkers navigate the challenges and the everyday struggles! Andrew Le is assistant professor at the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State University (see his work here). Siddharth Chakravarty is a PhD researcher at Queen Mary University of London (see his work here).


Cite this episode: Cook, I. M, & Kadfak, A. (Hosts). (2024, August, 19). Being migrants in fishing industry with Andrew Le and Siddharth Chakravarty (No.3) [Audio podcast episode]. In Fishy Work. https://www.justseafood.org/podcast-episode-3

[Transcript of Episode 3 available here]

The Sea as a Space of Liberation

The Perilous Life of Offshore Migrant Fishermen

Reframing the Narrative: Fish Workers as Agents of Change

Indigenous Labor: The Overlooked Backbone of Fishing Industry